Focus like a Laser,Sprint like a Cheetah

A simple app that's focused on keeping your side projects on track and reach goals.
Weekly sprints that (really) count!

Get Started

Sprint #2

🌟 Goal:


Total tasks: 2S: 0M: 2L: 0
Task size
Task size


Task size
- Analyze current queries
- Identify bottlenecks
Task size
Task size
Task size
- Research logging libraries
- Integrate logging library
Task size
Task size
- Design feedback form
- Implement feedback form

70% of professionals code outside their regular jobs*. Most projects NEVER get completed.

  • 🧠 Thinking

  • πŸ’‘ Idea

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Creating

  • πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Burnt or lost interest

  • πŸ’€ Another dead project

Stop quitting and start finishing.

  • Complex management software.
  • Tasks are kept in your mind.
  • No written goals.
  • No accountability.
  • Feeling like you're making no progress.
  • Not rewarding the small things.
  • No self-reflecting and improvement
  • Straightforward interface.
  • Tasks are kept in your backlog.
  • Define goals and deadlines.
  • Feel accountable for your actions.
  • See progress.
  • Feel accomplished, even if it's small.
  • Self-reflect and improvement. Growth mindset.

Get your projects done! and ship it πŸš€

Easily create tasks and size them appropriately.

Define and size your tasks. Designed to help you think about the tasks you're creating. If a task is too big, break it down into smaller ones. Bite sized tasks are easier to digest.

Adding a lot of tasks into the sprint? Be warned.

Get prompted when adding too many tasks into the sprint. Helping you succeed and not fail.

See live stats to track your progress.

Metrics to help you measure where your at. Keeping score of your sprints and help to stay focused on reaching your goal.

Be mindful of your progress. Weekly retrospectives.

When completing a sprint you'll be prompt to write about your week. Making you better through self reflections.

It's time to be productive

It's a small price with big results!

Start your weekly sprints

  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited sprints
  • Unlimited tasks



Monthly subscription. Cancel anytime


Lifetime Deal


One-time payment. No subscription

Frequently asked questions

What are Agile Sprints?

An Agile sprint is a set time period, usually one to four weeks, during which a specific portion of a project’s backlog is completed and prepared for review. Integral to the Scrum framework, each sprint begins with a planning meeting to outline tasks, and ends with a sprint review to demonstrate the work done and a retrospective to evaluate the process. This iterative cycle ensures regular delivery, flexibility, and continuous improvement, allowing teams to remain adaptive and focused while steadily progressing towards their project goals.

For solo developers, the app Sprintsly can be a game-changer in managing Agile sprints independently. Sprintsly provides a streamlined platform to plan, track, and review your sprint activities, ensuring you stay focused and organized. By breaking down your project into manageable tasks and setting clear goals for each sprint, Sprintsly helps maintain motivation and productivity. The app's features, such as progress tracking and task prioritization, enabling solo developers to simulate a team environment, ensuring accountability and regular progress. Additionally, the built-in retrospective tools encourage continuous improvement by allowing you to reflect on what went well and what can be enhanced for future sprints. This structured approach ensures that even solo developers can effectively implement Agile practices and achieve their project goals efficiently.

Can I get a refund if I don't like it?

No. Refunds will not be accepted. You can subscribe for a month and cancel at anytime.

Can I switch from Monthly to Lifetime and keep my data?

Yes. You can cancel your Monthly subscription and once your subscription ends you can switch plans to Lifetime. As long as you are using the same account, the data will remain.

I want more features and changes to my Sprint

The app is carefully curated to not be complex. Treat the app like your best manager. They are here to help you and make your life less difficult. There are many other great products that have many features, most of the time, the learning curve is too steep that you will not make the progress you had hoped.

If you do have an idea, you can submit a feature request using the feedback tool within the app.

I have another question

Shoot me an email at [email protected]

Why was Sprintsly created?

I know the struggle of juggling side projects with a busy life. That's why I created Sprintsly, a powerful tool to help me stay focused, organized, and productive. With this agile sprint system, I can break down my project into manageable, actionable tasks, ensuring I make consistent progress every week.

When I was developing my game Bring the Chickens Home, Sprintsly became an invaluable asset. It helped me stay on track by providing a clear roadmap and structure for each stage of development. By breaking down the project into smaller, manageable tasks, I was able to maintain my focus and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the overall scope. This approach not only kept me organized but also significantly boosted my productivity. I could consistently work on and complete tasks, ensuring steady progress towards my goal. Thanks to Sprintsly, I was able to bring Bring the Chickens Home to life, all while managing my other responsibilities effectively.